Personal Narrative: My First Day Of Middle School

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Pages: 3

Most kids look at middle school as an opening of possibilities and the extension of joy they felt in elementary. They look to meeting new friends and reuniting with old ones. My first day of middle school, I already knew that I would not experience such bliss. “Ha, geek!” a student yelled as he tripped me while passing in the hallway. I looked back to see it was one of the goons from fifth grade. It had already been a year since I was the new kid, but I was still being pushed around. My only friend had moved away, so I was left alone in a new environment surrounded by unfamiliar faces and familiar hostiles. I did not trust any student to be friendly because of my bully-ridden elementary school years. Thus, I could not make any new friends and got newer aggressors. I tried to fit in with others so they would accept me and possible make fun of me less, but my attempts were futile. By the time November rolled by, I had spent most of my free time in the school library to escape the unsympathetic outside. I thought about reading a classic instead of the usual modern novels. Scanning the classics bookshelf, The Great Gatsby caught my eye. The blue face above …show more content…
I never read a book more than once. The Great Gatsby was nothing like I had read before and had themes I never encountered in my twelve years. The two main characters, Carraway and Gatsby, had the greatest impact on my way of thinking. Carraway gave everyone he met the benefit of the doubt. After witnessing some of Gatsby’s questionable and shady traits, Carraway still befriends his neighbor and finds a great friend in Gatsby. Carraway would not judge anyone before truly knowing them. Gatsby threw extravagant parties to fit in and attract his love interest, Daisy. Although he did fit in quite well, he never gained any friends through that strategy. The only person to come to his funeral was Nick Carraway, a friend he made through genuine