Personal Narrative: My High School Goals

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Pages: 3

My high school goals paragraph…

My grandpa died when I was 5. Then would be emotional that school day occurred. Eventually, I got over it and understand as I got older that dying is just the way of life. Another is going to school 6 days a week just to learn Vietnamese and Catholicism. It made me more tired and angry every year I go to that school. Also, something that I did not choose was being Asian. I know we are expected with high expectation when it just stress me out. While I did not choose these events, they have shaped me by changing the way I see things and understanding the agriculture of the world. Also, it showed me to think more outside the box and look at things more differently than most people.

Over the next four years, I have many goals so that I can go to the college of my choice. First, I want a GPA of 4.0 or higher but I really want a 4.8. I am going to keeping track on taking AP classes is by taking time to do the homework and review the
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Hopefully being able to attend either Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, UCLA and maybe Yale. Then, I would want to major in either Theology, Doctor of Philosophy, Biology, Chemistry and anything Science or Religious major. I want to earn either a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree but I much more prefer to get a master’s because you are able to know more and look deeply into major I am wanting to go to. My goal is to join the college water polo team and play really good to help them win and improve myself with better teamwork with others. Not really an edit but now you have to join next year. Another goal I have is to join an Asian society group that could help me through college and gives back to do community service in the college life I will have. Also, I am maybe wanting to join an internship to help me in the major for Science or in the Medical field in