Personal Narrative: My Horse

Words: 3058
Pages: 13

On the morning of August 4th, I awoke to the chirping of the birds and the bright sunshine illuminating my room. I slowly rose as it was five thirty in the morning, pulled on my jockey pants and found a somewhat clean t-shirt. I headed out to the stalls to do morning horse chores and saddle up my first horse to exercise. Then I went back in the house where my father, Jim, and brother, Charlie, were just getting up, as I started breakfast. We all ate in peace and discussed the morning exercise schedules for the different race horses. My brother and I both rode the races horses, but I was the jockey considering I was 40 pounds lighter, also my dad was the trainor. As I exercised horses throughout the morning, I thought about my mother and how life would be like if she would not have died from cancer. …show more content…
I instantly asked him, “why did you do it, we would have been fine.” He looked at me and a mischievous smile broke across his face. Shocked, I exclaimed, “what are you smiling about?” He said, “ you know the old woman that lives at the edge of town, the one you and your mother use to go and visit?” I said, “yeah.” He said, “when your mother died she told me if I ever needed anything, to come and talk to her, because we were the only people that ever bothered to come and visit her.” Still confused, because she had died last month, I did not say a word. He kept going, “before she passed away she lift 5,000 dollars buried under the foundation of her house and told me to take it when I needed it. We need it right?” I broke out in tears, my dream was coming true in a week I will be racing in the World Cup.
For that week, I trained, fantasized, fretted and trained some more. All I ever thought about was racing, nothing else ever came into my mind. My dad has taught me everything I know, since I could remember I was riding horses. I knew with him helping and my mother held in my heart I knew we could win the World