Personal Narrative: My Horse

Words: 647
Pages: 3

It is six in the morning and the sun is rising from its hiding place behind the western horizon. The early morning mist still covers the vast fields as the sun begins to shine over the dew laden grass. The pinkish glow seeps over the horizon as the horses graze in the paddocks, under the watch of the morning sky. As I drive through the entrance to the horse show, I notice the countless people working diligently as they prepare for the day. Everyone is bundled up in jackets, looking cold and unhappy; but not me.
Although most people may be irritated at the early arrival, I could not contain my enthusiasm. I tossed and turned the night before, due to my eagerness to arrive at the show. On my walk from the car to the tent, I watch as the people ride their horses to the ring, to prepare for
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There is nothing I would rather do on a beautiful Saturday morning than be at the horse show with the eclectic people and my wonderful horses. When I arrive at the tent, I open my truck and begin putting on my riding boots and my helmet. I wait for my horse and when he is ready, I get on. Then, as all the people had before me, I make my way to the ring. There is no experience that can compare to that of riding a horse. The connection and bond that you form with these large animals is amazing. I feel as though my horses are somewhat of a kindred spirit in tune with my feelings and emotions and although these animals are large and have a mind of their own, I feel a sense of calm when around them. They are the best listeners and they are always there for you, no matter what. In times of stress, my horses are quiet friends, who are without judgment and I can always rely on them to make me happy, no matter what. I find horse-back riding to be very relaxing and a calming experience. It takes me away from any other worries or issues