Moreover, that’s why I had to recognize technique one was very important to follow first because it made the practice driving exams a great triumph with no wrong answers on my practice exams. I typically took a practice exam once daily, so I didn’t slump back to my old habits. The other mistake I had made was taking ideas, tips, and other study habits from non-driving teens. I honestly don’t know what invigorated me to ask for help from a non-driver. I then finally concluded that I was acting such as a delusional person. I had to identify that people have their own ways of studying for something and I had to stumble on my own study habit. I soon discover that reading instructions and applying them to a sort of practice was my study habit. As an outcome of technique two, I finally passed my actual driving exam, of course, I was ecstatic about it but I had to wait thirty days to take the actual driving portion of my exam. In addition, I was soon convinced that the techniques were working and I wanted more so I could pass the driving portion of my driving