During the World War II, When United States entered the war; what is your thought/feeling about the war?
R: I didn’t think of anything particular about the war especially at beginning of WW2. I was not one of those who worry about Europe thing. Well, I recalled that most of people liked to hear news about World War 2 on the radio. Anyway, on that day after Pearl Harbor bombing; that’s moment I knew I had to serve for my country. As for most crews on our ship – serving for the country is far more important because we were attacked by Japs [sic]. …show more content…
I barely completed school that time, also because I was 17 years old when bombing of Pearl Harbor occurred, luckily, I turned 18 few days after that. I was eligible to join the Navy. Well, I was young and stupid, but I’d say I did it because of patriotic duty.
Why U.S. Navy?
R: After Japs [sic] bombed us – they sank many of our ships – that time I felt it was a direct attack on our Navy. From there, I just decided on U.S. Navy without any careful consideration.
During your service, what is exactly your assignment?
R: I was on a ship that sweeps for mines. Our ship always worked with a sister ship, so our ships would travel in parallel about 100 yards apart. We had a net stretched between us as we swept for mines. My exactly job was a ship mechanic. Definitely, our main job is to sweep for mines. It is a dangerous job that we were tasked. Our sister ship struck a mine and I watched our sister went down. But I hear that sweep mines on Atlantic Ocean was much a tougher job than Pacific. Most of minesweeper ships for Atlantic theater got more Battle Stars than us.
Where were you deployed, Atlantic or Pacific?
R: Most of time our ship got deployed for the Pacific operations. We’ve been at Philippines and East China Sea near Okinawa.
How long did you