We think not just ahead of time, but on going throughout.
We need to account for the social settings.
Learning theory says 2 ways...operant conditioning and classical conditioning
Self Theory
Self-observation, it is a thought. (thinking about self, “I look good/bad today”)
Judgement, comparing an observation to some standard. (today/yesterday, experience/ideal)
Observation and Judgement are conative. Personality is encapsulated in the way you think about these things.
Self-response is the reaction to ...
Self-efficacy (Effectiveness) ... is the way I’m acting working? (IMPORTANT) High self-efficacy means you can do EX: Great self-efficacy in cooking, but not so good efficacy in accounting.
Personal agency (something you have or don’t have), the believe i can affect actions and outcomes. (internal locus of control).
Forethought, ability to participate the future outcomes, options, cost-benefits.
Self-regulatory processes, cognitive and ...
Expectations (influenced by forethought), about not only what’s going to happen, but how likely i can plug and success and fail. efficacy expectations, confidence of can I do it? (ask for the date, ask for the raise). Ability to do it. outcome expectations, what’s going to happen?
| positive expectation | negative expectation | positive outcome | v | | negative outcome | | v |
The way to improve the life of a person, is to improve the self-efficacy of the person. empowering people, you have power, have internal locus of control.
1 An active experience - performance, doing it. practice makes perfect. 2 Vicarious experience - others did it, i can do it. 3 Physiological experience - 4 Persuasive experience - make you do it? shame you if have to? force you to observe?
Copping - High / Low
Dog learn to be helpless. rethinking how human operates. relating to human depression.