Persuasive Essay On Guns In Schools

Words: 714
Pages: 3

How many times have you heard of mass shooters on the news, whether it was at a school or some other public place? Some try to blame guns but really law enforcement agencies need to spot mental health patients to keep them from buying guns. Most of the past shooters have had some sort of mental illness and had illegally bought guns. Making stricter gun laws or even banning guns isn’t going to help. So law enforcement needs to monitor guns and people who seem suspicious or have some type of mental illness so that even if they get a gun they can take it before something happens. There are a lot of components that lead in to a mass shooting at a school or other public places.
First off, what is law enforcement doing to spot these shooters and stop them from committing these shootings? Some may think that the F.B.I and local law enforcement has done everything they can to stop shooters and takes every threat very seriously. In reality what have they really done with threats that have been reported before the most recent school shooting. Surprisingly almost nothing, “The FBI admitted on Friday it failed to investigate a specific report in January that Nikolas
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The question is though, how can we blame a gun when someone gets their hands on the gun and does something horrible with it. The gun is not to blame it is the holder. Most people agree, “ 58 percent of the 808 respondents said stricter gun laws could have prevented the shooting, but a larger portion, 77 percent, said better mental health monitoring and treatment would have averted it.” (Olmstead). Also when I asked my classmates what they thought was a cause of the shootings everybody said that mental health was a factor. Now lots of people believe we need stricter gun laws but we need to listen to our first respondents they are always there and see it first