As an educator, I believe that I am here to transform students into fully functioning citizens for society. Nearly a decade as an education, I have experienced different school environment and how to maximums learning. As an educator, with teaching for four different administrations has given me a perspective to construct effective curriculum to improve student learning. It is my mission to do what it takes, to modernize students’ lives of accomplishments to the next level, creating a community of motivated learners. I am further committed to work with other educators to educate students.
As an educator, I must be a motivator, and a supporter, a person who helps build a student’s self-esteem. Understanding, I can be the only person in a student’s life who is building up the student’s self-concept. Good educators are willing to help the student in any way possible; it may be the only support and respect the student receives. Personality is another thing that determines an educator’s effectiveness. A student needs to be able to relate to their instructor. I think an educator should recognize that students are people who deserve the same respect as anyone else. The blending of ideas and approaches, prepare me to offer more to students, staff and parents in any school under my leadership given the proper instruction with the suitable environment, all students can learn. Unfortunately, there are complications, which impede students learning. Nevertheless, as educators, we must optimize our instructional curriculum in a high quality-learning environment. With the proper training, resource availability and motivation any school can be a superior learning institute. An educator gets to know each student personally, even if that means in-home visits or parent phone calls. The only way an educator can relate to the student is to know the student personally.
My philosophy of education is that educators play