Physical Restrain Case Study

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Pages: 10

At the beginning, there was a lot of study that focused on using physical restrain as a first line procedure to reduce agitation and violent behavior, so the restrain refer to chemical, mechanical, physical measure, that use to limit activity and for behaviors control for person could be harm themselves or others (Evan& Cotter 2008). And the restrain it can be defined as something that control or limit somebody or something (Lang, 2011). In the mental health setting, there was a lot incidence needed for minimize using of restrain among psychiatric patient by using safe alternative. The food drug administration also defines the restrain as a device that limits patient movement to the extent (FDA, 2013). Furthermore the Australian new Zeeland …show more content…
The restrain practice can be achieved by strategies which recognize relevant ethical, legal, evidence-based practice that focused on alternative solution to restrain. The prevalence rates of physical restrain use are limited and vary widely, so the prevalence use in US between (3.4- 17%) and national survey nursing home the use of restrain 15 – 30 % (Retsas, 1998). And according of Australian society of geriatric medicine, there was a little evidence to indicate use of restrain, the use of restrain may be justified to maintain medical treatment particularly during acute episode (Barbara, 2005), the restrain are often used with individual are agitated, the studies have demonstrated a correlation of cognitive decline with restrain use to ensure life sustain …show more content…
Furthermore an effective strategy which showed in the study in psychiatric setting, two years retrospective case control design, the sample of all restricted patients (N= 375) and by using random selection for control group of non restricted patients (N=374) in acute psychiatric ward, this study that show the restricted patients were significant and may be younger and men, have more admission, and longer stay than non restricted patients, and were likely to be involuntary referred, and have one or more of diagnosis such as schizophrenia, substance abuse, depression and bipolar, psychotic disorder (Kuntzen et al., 2011) Seclusion and physical restrain used to manage violent behavior and agitated patients, but with respect patient humanity and dignity (Valkama et al., 2007) (Roboch et al., 2010), on other hand the nurse and physician need for continuo practical on ward education on the seclusion and restrain (Lee et al., 2000) cause of the restrain and seclusion are ethically, clinically, demanding intervention like problem based education has been reported to be an effective (Suen et al.,