Pit Bulls Research Paper

Words: 438
Pages: 2

Specific dog breeds should not be illegal to own and have as pets in yours, just based on their history and how they came to be about. Many dog breeds that are illegal to own such as Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Great Danes, German Shepherds, and Dobermans are often seen as a threat to family and elders because of their background of being dangerous or aggressive. Depending on how you raise your dog, they come with their personalities and are also smart dogs capable of being your best friend. There are many ways that you can avoid aggressiveness from a dog early out, and no matter what kind of dog breed you own, by taking necessary precautions you can help prevent your dogs from being harmful to you and the people around you. Dogs like Pit Bulls breeds are …show more content…
Another example of negativism toward a dog breed is German Shepherds, “often used in k-9 police units” (Hayes, 2022). They are normally accepting of those whom their owner likes, but when in the wrong environment or ill-used can become hostile. Issues in events where dogs do fight cause accidents and people get injured breaking up. Normally when big dogs such as Pit Bulls get into fights with other kinds of dogs they do lots of damage because of how strong they truly are. “Some research shows that in a very rare event that a dog fatally attacks a person, pit bulls are responsible for 75% of those deaths”(Johnson, 2022). This research shows that pit bulls are more often in fights because of how they are frequently mishandled or treated compared to other dogs, making them more aggressive than need be. In summary, while some dog breeds are considered to be dangerous and aren’t allowed to be owned in some states in the United States, they are mistreated and can easily get less aggressive. With proper training, all dog breeds can become more friendly and less hostile to people if treated properly by