Pitbull Research Paper

Words: 515
Pages: 3

Bad Name. Good Dog.

“They are dangerous!” “Born to kill!” On and on about how “cruel” the dogs are. Maybe we are cruel ones. Maybe we can't be trusted. For years pit bulls have been known to be unfriendly and dangerous; therefore, we jump to conclusions and judge them by what we have heard. Personally, I own a pit bull, and she couldn't be any sweeter. She's very protective and loyal. No matter what, I know I'm safe when I'm with her. Unfortunately, pit bulls have a strong reputation for being violent. If you really think about it, there's always going to be another side of the story. A story in which we are the abusers, and they are the victims. Not the other way around. A lot of the problems begin with us. Quite a few cities in the U.S.
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No matter how hard they push to ban the dogs, they will never achieve because of the fighting. These illegals are sterilizing and building the unkind nature within the dogs. For example, a pit bull ban in Florida has not necessarily stopped pit bulls from being there. In fact, 800 pitbulls have been illegally entered into Florida per year since the ban. Recently, a young cousin of mine was attacked by a dog they had rescued. He was sitting in the hallway messing around, and the dog attacked. This is a horrible thing that happened, but it is completely their fault. They should never trust a dog who was mistreated and abused around their child who is not familiar with scared dogs. We assume it's just how they are, in reality it's how we are. We initiate the attack, and expect to just blame it on the dog. They don't deserve that. After looking back at all my findings, there are quite a few erratic opinions not even worth mentioning. An outstanding amount of opinions from people with absolutely no personal experience with this special breed. I have found the most logical thought would be that they are actually wired differently meaning they are a genetically aggressive breed. A study shows that pitbulls were never bred to be hostile; however, were bred for