Pitbulls Research Paper

Words: 637
Pages: 3

Why Pitbulls should not be pets.

Beware! The snares are a snare! Pitbulls are on the loose. Due to their strength and agility, they pose a danger to people. The reason why pit bulls should not be pets is because they pose a danger to people, the media shows how they’re dangerous, and the government is getting involved. This is a reason why pit bulls should not be pets. When a neighbor's Pitbull had escaped, it was sitting in Melissa's mother, Moreia's driveway. According to Robert Gomez’s article, “Mami-Dade County Votes To Keep Pit Bulls Out,” “When an 8-year-old girl named Melissa and her mother had just arrived home. Tragically, the pitbull viciously attacked Melissa, causing serious harm” (Gomez). This is a clear example of why pit bulls
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Next, news outlets also erroneously reported dog attacks. If the dog breed is unknown, the news media will often call it a pit bull. Any short-haired, stocky dog can sometimes even be mistaken for a pit bull. People expect to hear about attacks by pit bulls. Even if it is later revealed that the dog was not a pitbull, the damage has been done, and the idea of the pitbull as a dangerous breed is reinforced in the public eye. The mistrust of the pitbull, built by media bias, is a cultivated reaction. According to the article “Ohio Over Turns Pit Bull Bill”, “The new bill, House Bill 14, redefines the designations of vicious and dangerous and creates a lesser category of a nuisance dog”(Source 1). The bill shows how the government affects the media’s perception of pit bulls. Pit bulls can display high levels of aggression, similar to any other dog breed. However, the lack of love and affection from their owners can prevent these guard dogs from demonstrating their characteristic loyalty and affection. Sometimes, they may lash out at their owners, expressing frustration and anger. Pit bulls, like any other dog breed, are capable …show more content…
It is also worth mentioning that pit bulls are often bred as guard dogs, and their protective instincts can sometimes be misinterpreted as aggression. This is shown in the editorial written by James Cross “The Media And The Pit Bull” where he describes his adoption story. Cross learned how the “ASPCA, news outlets consistently tell animal control that they will not cover dog activities unless the situation involves a pit bull” (Cross). It explains how dangerous pit bulls really are. One of the most significant factors that contribute to aggressive behavior in pit bulls is the lack of love and affection shown by their owners. Pit bulls are known for their loyalty and affectionate nature, but when they are not shown enough care and attention, they may become frustrated, anxious, and even aggressive. As a result, they can snap back at their owners, and in extreme cases, lash out at strangers or other animals. They can even sometimes hurt animals or owners. It is crucial to understand that pit bulls, like any other dog breed, require proper training, socialization, and care to prevent aggressive behavior. With the right care and attention, pit bulls can be loyal, affectionate, and loving pets. In conclusion, pit bulls