Police Brutality In America

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Pages: 6

Police brutality can be referred to as a deliberate verbal attack and excessive use of power which is being directed towards the people of the state by the law enforcement officers. Sometimes the excessive force involves physical and psychological coercions. Police ruthlessness has been reported to have evidenced in many countries in the world and more especially in the United States. This act is termed as a misconduct on the side of the police. It normally involves police bribery, sexual abuse, false arresting, political persecution and ethnic profiling. In the United States, the police brutality is linked to racism due to racial segregation where there is a disparity in the way police handles black Americans and the whites. Federal government …show more content…
Most of the police brutality is associated with the racial profiling. The situation of racial profiling is where a citizen belonging to a given race is considered by the police being likely to be involved in a criminal behavior due to his or her race. In this case, a citizen belonging to a particular race is involved in an accusation of having committed the crime even without having a significant and valid evidence that can support such claims. This ethnic profiling has been brought by early considering of a particular race in the criminal investigations. For example, one of the existing forms of profiling in the US is driving while black. This is due to the reason that black Americans are vulnerable to scrutiny by the police while driving. People who are innocent have been involved in being pulled over for the reason that they are black. The profiling has a false assumption about the citizens the United States. Black drivers are assumed to be drunk when driving. This is not true since according to the statistics, whites involved in drugs than the black Americans (Savali, 2016). Therefore, racial profiling has been the main cause of the police brutality in the United …show more content…
Furthermore, thorough discussions on the same issue has raised questions on the status quo. It is important to understand that the build of racism is very critical in the economy since it is economic in nature. Racism was generally constructed to ensure justification in exploitation of arbitrary groups which are determined. As a result, any change against racism would intimidate the existences of its exploits. Such changes would also raise questions of tales on the degree in USA’s upward movement. This means that, “good choices would lead to good things and bad choices on the other hand lead to bad things.” Such kind of fictions can only permit people who “have it good” be in a position to be contented of themselves since they privilege owing the status-quo to their accomplishments (Oaklander, 2016). This is founded on some of the moral choices they choose but not the system which has actually set