Police brutality has had a long standing history within the United states , since the early days of policing, acts of mass brutality were usually attributed towards poor labor workers. From the Great Railroad strike of 1877 , to the Pullman strike of 1894, the Lawrence textile 1912, Ludlow massacre of 1914, the Steel strike of 1919, and the Hanapepe massacre of 1924, for each act of protest police officers would brutally beat striking workers. Next came …show more content…
In order to protect individuals rights, there must be a fair and effective criminal justice system. Police officers have the utmost responsibility to protect human rights. The way police officers handle their jobs is the crucial determinant of whether they meet or fail their obligation of respecting the human rights of every individual in their jurisdictions. Unfortunately, even with many complaints about police misconduct police brutality cases are rarely investigated. Researchers suggest most civilian police brutality reports unnoticed as result of police officers having the authority to use force when necessary, and, often it's difficult to prove that police brutality has taken …show more content…
Consequently, the present-day relationship between minorities and the police in America is one that has been impacted by the historical legacies of slavery, segregation, and discrimination, all impacting racism at the societal, institutional, and individual levels. The negative perception of ethnic minorities over the past three decades has spread rapidly, researchers suggest that specific stereotypes are commonly used by police officers to classify certain races in a specific criminal category. Police officers use tactics to uncover ‘criminal activity’, usually patrol ghettos to find their perfect suspect, they stop cars for traffic violations with expectations of discovering more serious criminal activity. Each of these police tactics entails the exercise of a substantial amount of discretion--police officers determine who they consider suspicious, which cars to tail, what information they've gained leading to arrests, frequently going to neighborhoods they suspect are ripe for their police enforcement activities .
Unfortunately , discrimination against minorities is routinely exercised throughout law enforcement across America. The practice of racial profiling is used to identify potential criminal suspects based solely on physical appearances. The use of racial profiling is ineffective,