Police Brutality Research Paper

Words: 1491
Pages: 6

Kaisa Holum Mark van Roojen PHIL 106 - 250 04-19-2024 Police Brutality in the U.S. In this paper, I will defend the thesis that we should reduce police brutality by successfully teaching officers conflict de-escalation tactics, countering conscious or unconscious prejudice and its effects on threat perception, and proper gun safety. I believe that we should take action against police violence towards minorities in the US. We can do this by improving the training of police officers. This can be done by successfully teaching officers conflict de-escalation, countering conscious or unconscious prejudice and its effects on threat perception, and proper gun safety. By taking these steps, police brutality and its unwarranted effects on U.S. minority communities will significantly decrease. First, I will explain and defend Singer’s strong normative …show more content…
My third and last defense of Singer’s normative principle is the case of Bob and the Bugatti. Bob has invested all of his savings and invested in a brand new, uninsured Bugatti. One day he parks his Bugatti on train tracks. He notices a child tied down on a separate track. There is a train speeding down the tracks towards the child. There is a lever that he can pull, which will divert the train onto the tracks where his Bugatti is parked. Bob can either let the child get hit and save his Bugatti, or let his Bugatti get hit and save the child. According to Singer’s strong normative principle, Bob should pull the lever, as the life of the child holds much more moral value than his Bugatti. Most people would probably also agree that letting the child get hit by the train to save the Bugatti is wrong. Singer’s strong normative principle states we should choose to save the child, so it is a good normative principle to follow. Likewise, I will also argue that we have a moral duty to oppose killings due to police brutality in the