Pop Culture Analysis

Words: 543
Pages: 3

Movies are such a huge part of my life. From Pop Culture to actually creating them as a hobby, I would have to say that films reflect my own beliefs and feelings. When you have that freedom to choose and decide, it really helps you have your own sense of style and personality. Collecting movies is another thing I like to do because having a personal collection lets you have what you like.
Films in pop culture are huge. We aspire to be the celebrities. People line up for blockbusters just to get their hands on the new Star Wars tickets. We even wear our favorite movies on us. Not only that, but flicks also reflect the history and the style and what was going during the time era. From the music, to what type of camera styles producers used, films can really reflect on the decade they come from. Cult Classics also show how much following movies can get and how popular films can get, and be loved for huge amounts of time. It's crazy how we can reference to
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Some of my favorite movies show my morals and personal interests. As a huge 80’s movie fanatic, my love for the lifestyle and pop culture during that time really reflects what I like. From Star Wars to the Breakfast Club to Road House, movies show a sense of morals in the story, (whether good or bad) while telling a story to show the viewer something new in perspective. I think movies show us so much more than a visually appealing film, but information and a message we can use. For example, my favorite movie Road House with Patrick Swayze a bouncer who has been hired to clean up not only the bar but the man who runs the town. I love this movie because it has multiple elements of action, romance, and backstory that make you just want to root for Dalton (Patrick Swayze). Now I’m not going to get all soppy over “every movie has a message”, but what I’m trying to get at is that movies may show are inhibitions, flaws, emotions but they do a damn good job at it while using romance, horror, sci-fi