Popular Media Assignment Essay example

Submitted By zihao130
Words: 524
Pages: 3

Popular Media assignment
Zihao Shen
Psych 105-04

Date: 9,29,2014
Location: New York Times
Case Description:

This article describe a people believe that the good life was dependent on domestic perfection.
This phenomenon was proved by times by times.
“Like end of the First World War the architects forged a stainless-steel connection between housing and health.”
“The early modernists wanted to wash away this squalor with an ocean of shining chrome, tile and white plaster.”
“the better home would lead to better people. Love of purity, in the words of the swiss architect Le Corbusier, ‘leads to the joy of life; the pursuit of perfection.’”
“A more recent slogan was ‘Happy Inside’ brighten up or clear out the home and soothe the soul.”

Psychological Application:
This case is an example of our daily effects our emotion.
“Emotions emerge from our interaction with the world around us. They are triggered by situations that are relevant to our personal goals physical safety, or well-being. Because emotion stem form situation that are important to us, they reveal much about what makes us tick.
Emotions are brief, acute changes in conscious experience and physiology that occur in response to a meaningful situation in the person’s environment. Emotions make us pay attention, forcing us to set priorities and deal with life-relevant situations.”
From this concept we can see that a good environment can give us a better mood. So in the daily life we chase the good life situation to let us be merry.
WILES, W. (2013, march 23). Unhappy? clean house. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/opinion/sunday/unhappy-clean-house.html?n=Top/News/Health/Diseases, Conditions, and Health

Date: 9/29/2014
Location: Science News
Case Description:

Once rhesus monkeys learn to associate a picture with a reward, the reward by itself becomes enough to alter the activity in the monkeys’ visual cortex.

Psychological Application:
“Our visual perception is not determined solely by retinal activity. Other factors also influence the processing of visual signals in