There was a difference in the amount of change the man consumed after the lady rewrote his sign. The lady came back to check on him and he asked her, “What did you do to my sign?” she replied, “It says the same thing I just changed the words”. The lady rewrote his message so people could relate to it. The message said the same thing from when she first read it, but the choice of words the lady used made people stop and realize something that was very true. This video was very inspiring and had a very powerful message. The message I received from this short film ironically was the power of words. There are so many ways to get a point across but it’s in the approach that makes it successful.
I believe the choice of words I use whether I’m writing or speaking is important. For example, when I was in high school I choreographed many of the school productions. I had to make sure that all of the dancers knew the routines. It was very hard trying to direct my peers without coming off controlling. I tried my best to give the