Prescription Drug Abuse Research Paper

Words: 821
Pages: 4

“Let’s talk about drugs”

Have you ever witnessed someone you care about suffer from a prescription drug addiction? If you have, then you probably understand the toxic effects it can cause. Abusing a prescription drug means that you take more than the amount you are required to take. It also means that the drug becomes a constant desire. By researching this topic, I have discovered the severity of the abuse and the effects it can have on society and your loved ones. A major factor I learned was that the abuse of prescription drugs is actually far more dangerous and severe than the intake of street drugs. Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem and medical professionals should more consistently monitor who they prescribe these medications
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I once read a story about a teenage boy. He had good grades and he loved his family and friends. At the age of sixteen, he became hooked on Oxycontin, an addictive narcotic painkiller. At age seventeen, he died after crushing the pill and snorting it with some of his friends. The drug caused him to pass out and while he slept, it completely shut down his respiratory system. This story proves that even good people can become seriously addicted to these drugs. We shouldn’t see drug addicts as bad people, but as people that need serious …show more content…
There are often times that you wish you could help them, but you cannot. Only they can find the real motive to quit. Otherwise, a professional would have to step in. I once had a friend that was addicted to prescription painkillers and watching someone go through that can be tough. You constantly worry that they will never get help, or end up dead. Some addicts might even have people in their life that encourage the abuse. It’s extremely hard to watch someone become addicted, which is why our society should recognize it as a serious problem and pose a solution for