Professional Goal
Critical reasoning relies upon the complex intersection of decision making, management, and leadership skills (Marquis & Huston, 2015) which incorporate knowledge, experience, and actions, to impact positive patient outcomes. Incorporating the above skills and action set in nursing has always led me to pursue a particular type of nursing role of being independent while functioning in an interdependent system. Nursing traditionally operates under the umbrella of physicians following and implementing their orders, however as …show more content…
Multiple factors impact the patient's ability to receive care and the health professionals charged with delivering care in the intimate setting that is uniquely theirs. Traditional rules for delivering high-quality care are always slightly modified to fit the needs and demands of both your patient, their family, and the specific environment; you find yourself operating within. When faced with factors that impact the needs of the patient the nurse must be nimble, respectful, and thoughtful as well as quick witted and have an ability to think outside of the box on a daily basis. Creative decision making has always been a clinical strength of mine. Moreover, you must be observant, flexible, persistent, and assertive to create a positive impact in both community and home care nursing, as well as be willing to stand or fall on your decision-making skills.
These community settings have provided me opportunities to grow and stretch my professional boundaries while forcing a rootedness in adhering to strict standards of care. Furthermore, this pushing of boundaries when combined with critical reasoning allows a deep trust to form between not only yourself and your patient, but with the physician as well, by doing so, you help to cement a team built on professional respect and reliance.
Therefore, with the above in mind, my goal is to remain within community health nursing, either operating as a director of …show more content…
Consequently, by tailoring a learning activity for the teacher and students, you would positively impact their educational experience. For example, being able to explain diabetes in a format designed for the teacher could provide them increased confidence in identifying when a student might require help, thus empowering and alleviating fear/concern for both students’, teachers, and families. In addition, learning how to tailor nursing communication skills to benefit educators will positively impact interprofessional alliances and forge closer working relationships.
Potential Sites
While thinking of preceptors I discussed my professional goals and direction with several colleagues and my current director of nursing services, all were thoughtful and had excellent suggestions. Preceptors suggested have shown their leadership skills on local, state, or national stages and all are widely respected in their respective arenas, to have the opportunity to work with any of them would provide me with invaluable insights for my continued career path in nursing