Pursuing A Career In Healthcare

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Pages: 4

1. Why are you pursuing a career in healthcare?
Ever since I was a young I have always been intrigued with the human body and how it works and functions. As a doctor, I will be able to learn more about medical science and use that knowledge to directly help others. My long-term goal is to become an OB/GYN with a sub-specialty in infertility. I believe that the gift of life is one of the most precious blessings that our God above has created for us. To be able to take part in a woman’s journey to give life would be the most rewarding profession.
2. What does sisterhood mean to you?
Sisterhood to me means a bond of unconditional love, trust and respect. We are all on our individual journeys through life. Sometimes the road can get rocky or
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When I was very young I prayed to God for a younger brother (not a sister because I didn’t want to share my stuff!), and soon after I was blessed with a brother named Zephyr. My grandmother always told us to lookout for each other, but that went over our heads because we know no other way. Zephyr is my best friend. Though he is 4 years younger than me, I can talk to him about anything without fear of judgment or him “snitching” to our parents. School has never really been my brother’s cup-of-tea and his grades reflected this. About two years ago I started tutoring him in science (my favorite) and math (my not-so-favorite). He began to slowly improve. Last year, my first year of college and his 8th-grade year of grade school his grades jumped from 65-70 to 85 or greater. I’ve never been so proud of him. He told me he “got his crap together” because he wants to be like me and attend A&M. The fact that I had that much of an impact on him inspires me to be a better student and peresever through my …show more content…
Pursuing a career in healthcare is not easy. Pursuing healthcare as a woman is much more challenging. In the evolving patriarchal dominant society that we live in, women are viewed as fragile or timid. Women have to work twice as hard to be just as good. Resilience is a quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to rise from the ashes. As leader, this is very important quality due the fact that we can’t win our battles every time. Being able to bounce back from a failure is a major key to success. Confidence is the keystone of leadership. Without a leader first believing in himself or herself, true leadership will exist only in title. Without confidence, you will second guess your decisions (a potentially fatal action in healthcare) and find yourself sadly lacking in one very important component of leadership… followers. Who wants to follow a leader who isn’t even sure of