R And Julie In Warm Bodies

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Pages: 3

Two characters in the novel Warm Bodies, written by Isaac Marion, who helped me understand an important message are R and Julie. These characters helped me understand the important message of how the power of just one act of love, in this case the sight of the two main characters holding hands, can transform the world.

R and Julie show us that humanity cannot be saved by ongoing wars or by hiding behind towering concrete walls. Although they play two completely different roles in the society from getting to know each other they discover the hope of normality again. Without realising R’s transformation is coming from their relationship which starts off as friends but slowly progresses into more resulting in the cure which the discover through a kiss is love. From only a day of knowing Julie R says, “I feel like the flatline of my existence disrupting, forming heartbeat hills and valleys.” This is give R the impression that maybe there is a cure to make zombies human again, but quickly realise it’s going to take more than one
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”At the end of the day they have nothing to think about but surviving. This comes from Julie’s father, General Grigio who believes that using violence and exclusion from the “outside” is key for survival. “Dad’s idea of saving humanity is building a really big concrete box, putting everyone in it, and standing outside the door with guns, until we get old and die.” Here we can see a perfect example of what it is like of being comfortable, and living life the way it is without trying to make it better as humans living inside the stadium have been convinced that the best thing they can do is stay locked up behind towering concrete walls for the rest of their lives, where yes they will be surviving but are they actually living, in Julie’s words “we think we’re surviving in here (the stadium) but we’re