Radiology System Analysis

Words: 1103
Pages: 5

Radiology Systems
The technological advancement has helped medicine tremendously in our times. Lately, most hospital has been implementing digital transformation converting from paper to a digital format; something that radiology systems have been doing with the use of analytics and information technology for several years. These new changes in electronic medical records have brought more opportunities for the integration of radiology information system into the new system. RIS functions are still improving and open to new innovation in the market that benefits the healthcare system and patient care delivery (Nance, John , Meenan, and Nagy, 2013).
Scope of the problem
One of the main goals in healthcare is to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.
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Studies done by Forsberg, Rosipko, Sunshine, and Ros (2016) show that integration of PACS and RIS improve workflow efficiency in a radiology department. The authors used online surveys, with the assistance of a radiology society, to demonstrate that the integration of PACS with dictation systems to RIS reduce patient wait time, increase quality of diagnostic results, and increase radiologist productivity. According to Nitrosi et al. (2015), the new generation of RIS modules can use previous errors to monitor and detects new possible mistakes to further improve radiology …show more content…
The first goal of this project will be to reduce wait time from one hour to 30 minutes in the radiology department. Kao et al. (2015) studies about the integration of PACS, RIS, and CAD demonstrated that they can improve radiology workflow because radiologists can interpret radiologic images faster and with more accurate results. For example, their study compared the difference in interpretation time of two radiologists. One radiologist used CAD system for film interpretation, while the other radiologist did not use CAD assistance. The result was CAD assistance along with PACS helped to reduce time by 44.0%; it reduced interpretation time by almost