Why do people think rape is so wrong? Really, it all depends on where you live. Usually, when the place where rape is more common, people think less of it. And in the place where it's less common, people think a lot more of it. Everybody should understand that rape is morally wrong, but some people never will see it as wrong. Now lets get into Rape Culture. Which is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Now, what are some examples of it? Blaming the victim, trivializing sexual assault, defining “manhood” as dominant and aggressive as well as “womanhood” being submissive and sexually passive. Other things may be; Assuming only promiscuous women get raped, assuming that men dont get raped or that only “weak” men do, refusing to take rape accusations seriously, and lastly, teaching women to avoid getting …show more content…
The second country with the highest rate is Botswana, a standing at a 92.9. About 30 down from Botswana is Sweden, which the rate there is 63.5. Australia is at 6 on the list at 28.6, and the United States is at a rate of 27.3. This rape rate is the number of rapes per 100,000 citizens, only including reported rapes. Which 54% of rapes aren't reported, so these numbers probably could be doubled. Keep in mind that all these statistics are about the United States. On average, there are about 321,500 victims of rape or sexual assault each year, victims being 12 or older. The majority of victims are 30 and under, 15% 12-17, 54% 18-34, 28% 35-64 and 3% 65 and older. 90% of adult rape victims are women, but men and boys are also affected by sexual violence. As of 1998, about 17.7 million women and only 2.78 million men have been victims to attempted or completed rape. Female ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be raped. Women ages 18-24 who are college students are 3 times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence, and females of the same age, not in college, are about 4 times more likely. One in thirty-three american men, or 3%, have experienced some kind of rape in their lifetime. Fun fact; One out of every ten rape victims are male. Now lets get into the TGQN community. Which stands for transgender, genderqueer, and non conforming.