As humans we are very curious. We have explored and conquered all around Planet Earth. It will be only a matter of time before we move onto bigger and better things, like moving to Mars. Mars may seem like it is too far away or too complicated to try and accomplish, but with the technology changing every day we are closer than ever to reach the red planet. Colonizing Mars could happen if we find or transport water, learn how to grow food, obtain oxygen, and get the materials needed to survive.
Mars, otherwise know as the red planet, has been shown to be a desert like world. In pictures the planet is depicted as a dry, unlivable place. Yet, the red planet was not always a dry, desert like planet. “NASA has also found …show more content…
Without it we would die. Mars atmosphere mainly contains Carbon Dioxide. There could be different ways in order to try to convert the Carbon Dioxide to oxygen. One way is through plants. To get oxygen onto the planet we can introduce very resistant microbes and eventually cacti to the martian soil. Then by heating the planet’s atmosphere it will free the liquid from the subsurface permafrost, making the plants able to produce oxygen through photosynthesis (Morais). Using plants is very resourceful. Not only does it give us food but it will also give us oxygen, which is essential for the people who will live on Mars. Another way we could obtain oxygen is by compressing the atmosphere. This would not only give us oxygen but it can also give us water too. First we would compress the atmosphere, then we would condense the carbon dioxide. After condensing the carbon dioxide you would separate the carbon dioxide from the permanent gases. Finally you would concentrate and use the remaining oxygen and water (England). This may sound like more work than it is worth but since we not only get oxygen out of compressing the atmosphere, we get water. Making it worth the …show more content…
We can use natural resources from the planet to save on extra effort to try and bring materials from Earth up to Mars. One way is using the sulfur on the planet to our advantage. Mars has been considered the sulfur-rich planet for quite some time. Sulfur concrete can be made from the sulfur on the planet and it is stronger than regular cement. There are tools on Earth that are specifically made to produce sulfur cement. It is also completely recyclable (Martian). Houses can be made out of this sulfur concrete. The concrete can also help build other buildings, roads, and much more. Also it will not be as costly as using regular cement.
We still need to be able to travel on Mars. Scientists have already made rovers to navigate around the planet, using that same technology we could build a bigger type of vehicle to be able transport people. Rovers are already big enough to fit one average sized person. Scientists could make a rover that could fit four or five people. They already have the materials present to make them. With the rovers on Mars we could travel larger distances to and from our