Reducing School Shootings

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Mental health service
The second solution to reducing the amounts of school shootings is by making sure students have guidance counselors to confide in and improving mental health services. On way of improving mental health services is by making sure schools hire more trained guidance counselors and school resource officers, because the children at the schools will feel like they have a sturdy support system and the guidance counselors will be there to help faster whenever violent outbreak happens (Englander). Schools having more counselors means they will be able to focus more on the children and figuring out if they have any signs of being abused, having suicidal tendencies, or signs of being bullied will keep the child and other out of
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Guidance counselors are trained to look for signs of help in children and support them in ways that teachers and other staff are not, so guidance counselors are a way to prevent school shootings because they look at the now and see how that can benefit the child in the future (Englander) . Another way to improve mental health serves is by having doctors conduct standard mental health screenings because children in school could have severe mental health issues or have a mental disorder but would not know because they have not been tested ( Englander). Even though not all mental illness are severe mental health screenings can help prevent any gun violence for lots of people who have suicidal tendencies or feelings of depression (Walz and Bleuer 10). Conducting mental health screenings in schools is worthwhile as it helps students suffering from mental health issues and allows schools and agencies to work together to ensure overall student wellness in order to improve their academic, social, emotional, and vocational …show more content…
The only way staff and students will be able to go to school without having to worry about another school shooting happening is by knowing that dangerous weapons are not in unstable hands. The best way to that, is by having gun store owners do a thorough background check on each person who wants to purchase a firearm and letting the gun store manager have a few days to be able to to the background check carefully (Cook 12). Background checks that include criminal background, if they are mentally stable, cross-referencing, their age.(Cook 12). Making background checks a law for every state will help reduce school shootings: “States that requires background checks on all handgun sales experienced 63 percent fewer mass shootings committed by people prohibited from possessing firearm and 64 percent fewer domestic violence shootings” (“Analysis”). School shootings were about half as likely in states with firearm background checks, but only 14 states in 2013 had some type of background check for buying guns outside of a federally licensed firearms dealer, who are already federally required to run background checks. Requiring background checks to buy ammunition was linked to an even lower likelihood of school shootings: states with those laws were 89% less likely to