Research Paper On Chris Mccandless

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Pages: 3

I believe that Chris McCandless lived a deliberate life and all of the actions that he made throughout his life were all for true happiness. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph over principle.” I believe that this quote can very well describe the way that Chris McCandless lived his life and can justify the actions he made along the way. Chris lived a deliberate life and achieved true happiness through means that were well thought through and outside of the typical standards of life. Chris lived the start of his life in the typical confines of the “typical” lifestyle. Chris had an upper-middle-class life with a nice home. Although he had learned in his early childhood that not all people are too great from his dad, who abused …show more content…
Rather, his true find wasn’t happiness, but the ability to truly appreciate happiness. When Chris started his plan and finally got out into the Alaskan Wilderness, he was pretty well off. He was well advised on how to handle himself in the wild and was able to hold his own for quite a while. His ability to traverse throughout the wilderness, catch food and luckily find shelter are all factors that help Chris’ case on how he wasn’t just a fool who was doing these things off a whim but was prepared and where doing these things deliberately. However, after a while of being out in the wilderness, Chris found his happiness. This is because he tried to attempt to return home. This shows that Chris had grown lonely and had found a true appreciation for other people. This is shown when Chris writes nearing his death, “Happiness is only real when shared.” This shows that Chris had truly found happiness but was unfortunately unable to obtain