In my prospective, surprise attack, logistic and maneuver exist as principles of war all time although leaders use it in different ideas and ways. There exist a small number of fundamental principles of war, the application of which has been crowned with success in almost all times. Napoleon relied on surprise attack in his campaigns’ likewise The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and the six-day war in 1967. Other reason of Napoleon absolute victories was the logistic system. Meanwhile, in WWII, Montgomery attained the first victory over Rommel because of the logistic. Napoleon’s strategy was to destroy the enemy by overwhelming combat power. He used the maneuver principles of concentration and mass to disrupt the enemy and place him at a disadvantage position. He realized the importance of attack, speed, maneuver and surprise, which were the basic tenets of the Grand Army in the battle of Austerlitz in 1805. He seized favored conditions intended to attack the flank and the rear of an enemy. Napoleon took the advantage of the well-organized army and created two formations: skirmishers and the assault column. The purpose of these formations was to add combat power in forward and assault in mass formation. Napoleon oriented and organized his forces in a way so that he could deceive the enemy and attack him in a vital area. The maneuver around the enemy flank caused the enemy to …show more content…
The French revolution 1789-91, shifted the army from being the army of the king, which was the case during Fredrick’s days, to being an army of the nation. The nationalism was instilled in the French society and made citizens see themselves as stakeholders of the new army. Before the French revolution, the army was the property of monarchs and few citizens could join for the sake of serving the king. During the French revolution, all citizen felt that it was their army, which they had to devote themselves to defend their nation. Before the revolution, most of army officers were aristocrats, but by the summer of 1794, most army officers were from the revolutionary nation. The doors were opened for all citizens to join the army. Being one of the greatest military minds in the history of warfare and was not from the aristocrats is One of the main reasons that led to the appearance and rise of the Napoleonic legacy. Napoleon and French leaders drove the army to many decisive victories and they knew how to win wars. The wars shifted from monarchs wars to national wars. Before the French revolution, loyalty of the soldiers to ruling monarchs was uncertain and so desertion was an unsolvable dilemma. However, the situation changed