Roanoke Voyages: The Lost Colony

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Pages: 2

When one thinks about the roanoke voyages the one that almost always comes to mind is the third voyage. More formally known as “The Lost Colony”. However, there were two other voyages that lead up to this particular voyage. All of the voyages of roanoke were settlements on the Northern Coast of North American or present day North Carolina. In 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh and his step brother Sir Humphrey Gilbert got funding from Queen Elizabeth I to set sail. This voyage was meant to be an exploratory voyage in means of finding a place to start colonising. Thomas Harriot studied and documented various plants as well as animals. John White was instructed to create maps of the land. In addition to this, he also created water colors, or images of …show more content…
The second voyage occurred during 1585, was strictly a military venture. The English men were instructed to mine for gold and silver to export back to Europe. However, with the increase of pirates in the ocean this came with great difficulties. Likewise to the first voyage, supplies became very scarce and the gold and silver was not being found like expected this lead to the return back to England in 1556. Lastly, the last voyage, more commonly know to as “The Lost Colony”. This time men, women, and even children were recruited to join in on the voyage in hopes to reproduce and strive as a population. This voyage came crashing down along with the previous two due to lack of supplies and resources. John White the leader of the voyage took it upon himself to return back to Europe to get more supplies. However, he wanted to wait until his granddaughter, and first English child, “Virginia Dare” was born in the New world. Shortly after her birth he sailed back to Europe. Sadly, his trip back to the new world got delayed three years, for the queen called all ships to fight in the war against spain. Finally in 1590 he was able to return back to the new