Roman God Research Paper

Words: 512
Pages: 3

In 146 B.C.E Rome was at the peak of Republican Empire. The Roman armies held control of the north, and by the 3rd century they held most of the Italian Peninsula. The Romans trusted their world was ruled by spirits who bestowed blessings upon the state. There were deities who were thought to reside in the home, and who required worship and sacrifice as a daily ritual. Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman orator, wrote: “…in reverence for the gods, we are far superior”. Rome itself was believed to have three protectors; Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. This paper will attest to several explanations for the construction of Temples to the Gods, namely; Temple of Jupiter Stator and the Temple of Juno. In 2nd Century B.C Rome, 146 B.C., a Temple of honor