Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

Words: 268
Pages: 2

The short story “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare is about how love can end war. The story of Romeo and Juliet ended war and brought love to life. Is there such thing as love at first sight? Romeo’s eyes gaze rested on Juliet’s beautiful face when he spotted her at the Capulet’s ball. Although Romeo’s love for Rosaline was capable, when he saw Juliet, all thoughts of her vanished. Romeo then later sneaked into the Capulet’s palace to visit Juliet again. The characters, both confirm their love for one another than later married. Can Romeo and Juliet stand up for what they believe in? For the sake of their love, they both took things to the next level. For example, Juliet was willing to take a stabbed to escape with Romeo. And Romeo,