It is realistic, as there is not many interventions that need to occur in order to implement a double check system. The timing issue would not be affected and an evaluation would be immediate. In an article by Elaine Dattilo, RN, wrong site surgery was discussed (2007). It expanded on the changes that were implemented by root cause analysis solutions to this problem. "Time outs" are now a part of every surgery and become part of a person's medical chart (Dattilo, 2007). In the scenario with the wrong patient, wrong procedure there was not a sentinel event that occurred, but there was the stage for something to occur. It was still an invasive procedure that was unnecessary for Mary Kainer to endure. "Seldom does a root cause analysis reveal only one action or one person responsible..." (Datillo, 2007). Root cause analysis has many contributing factors that lead to an adverse outcome. There were many contributing factors to the outcome that was in the scenario presented that could have been caught to avoid the outcome. For example, the name was only mentioned one time, no other identifiers, and a read