Her thoughts about being abandoned lead to problematic behaviors to keep men she trusts around and the cycle of violence and abandonment has developed symptoms associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and a diminished self-worth. According to Harned, Tkachuck, and Youngberg, borderline personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder are commonly co-morbid disorders with rates up to 58% (2013). Knowing this, I must be willing to address difficult, often taboo, issues surrounding the trauma, interpersonal violence, and provide the care and support for the client to heal (Goldsmith, Barlow, & Freyd, 2004). The client’s progress in treatment can be stymied with her dual diagnosis. The client’s problem sleeping without disturbance or nightmares can effect emotion regulation and stress management (Shelby, 2013). Poor sleep can lead to higher levels of functional impairment and treating the sleeping problems may enhance treatment by improving emotion regulation and implementation of therapeutic skills. Through a psychiatric evaluation and reestablishing a new bed routine, the client had improved in her sleeping