Saudi Arabian Women Research Paper

Words: 1226
Pages: 5

Saudi Arabian Women’s Right in Shambles
Bobbie Call
Campus High School Imagine having to be accompanied by a man or having to escort a women every time she wanted to leave the house, difficult to think of right? Women in Saudi Arabia have to have a male escort called a “mahram” every time they want to leave the house, this is clearly a human rights violation. The women’s mahram is often a family member (brother, uncle, father, etc.). Those men can control a women completely. Legally they cannot leave the house without their mahram present.
Why should the women of Saudi Arabia be required to have a “mahram” escort them outside of the home? One huge factor as to why a “mahram” is required, by law is obviously the Saudi culture. Saudi Arabian women are literally, legally responsible for having a male with them at all times. If a lady does not have a male escort she better have “permission”
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These escorts must accompany the Saudi women to daily errands, shopping trips, and even to their physicians. This is clearly a human rights violation women in 2015 should be allowed to do and go where they want, when they want and more importantly those women should not be subjected to a man’s approval be leave the house. And what if they do not have a man with them? They have to provide a type of permission slip from the mahram to say they are allowed out. Religion and culture play a large role as to why this is a law, not only that but the Saudi legal system is also extremely bias to men. If a women wants a divorce and her husband does not she literally is forced to stay in the marriage against her will. It is 2015, women all over the world especially in Saudi Arabia should be able to do what they want in life and be able to go where they want when they want. It is an abomination that women cannot in this time of our lives, something has to be