Saudi Arabian Women Research Paper

Words: 643
Pages: 3

Saudi Arabian and Iranian women need more freedom in their countries. They are not treated equally. There are many differences and similarities in Iran and Saudi Arabia’s Women Rights and they all should be taken away so women could have more freedom, Such as one similarity that Women outnumber the amount of men in college. There are more Women that go to College In Saudi Arabia and Iran , but are not allowed to work as anything government related in the Saudi Arabia. Another similarity would be that women are required to have their husband’s permission to travel but not when needing medical treatment or when they want to study. But One difference of Iran and Saudi Arabia women’s right would be that Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. That’s crazy! …show more content…
One fact would be A can divorce a women by just saying “ I divorce you” three times without any paperwork or anything. Another fact is women in Iran HAVE to ride separately from men because a woman's face is a symbol of beauty and that is very valuable in Iran and Saudi Arabia. A women in Iran can work as a Government Official. In addition The hijab is a head scarf to cover a women’s hair because even hair is valuable. Also A women once got arrested because she didn't have an hijab on. She was arrested by the police and sent in to jail for a while because of a headscarf.
Also She was arrested because you not to show any cite of hair or body part to a man. Imagine having to live in a place where women get no respect and are treated like trash and you couldn't do a thing about it. Well, thats what its like in Saudi Arabia and Iran, there women do not get any respect or freedom. It's very disappointing. I would Never Live in a place where I couldn't get any freedom in my