School Lunches Research Paper

Words: 834
Pages: 4

School lunches have been a hot topic for a long time. Many say it’s way better, some say it’s gotten worse. In some cases, I’ve read and seen that students won’t even eat lunch because of how bad it is. But why is it so indecisive sometimes to eat the school’s food? I’m going to go through how they have and could do, to get better school lunches. The laws on school lunches. (National School Lunch) “The National School Lunch Act, this program gives federal funds to public schools. President Harry Truman signed this program into law in 1946.” Their many goals are to reduce child obesity and have all the nutritional needs in a meal. The FDA and CFR are the ones mostly in charge of what the schools get and need. They have made many changes to our lunches over …show more content…
Most of the food prepared is boiled so its easy for the cooks to fix. The schools normally fix other kinds of food for holidays. For Thanksgiving, some schools have pie and turkey for lunch. For the teachers, they must pay for their food. For students, around 95% of schools have free school lunch for students. School lunches have been a topic of debate for many years, with concerns ranging from nutrition to taste. While some students may enjoy the convenience of school-provided meals, others argue that the quality and variety of options are lacking. It is important for schools to prioritize the health and well-being of their students by providing nutritious and balanced meals that contribute to their overall development and academic success. After carefully reviewing the article, I have found that schools do try to fix their food, but cannot. Many schools have tried switching up their food. The state or the school borders do not allow this though because of new regulations. I’m not saying this about every school, but most of the schools in the U.S have tried to change their lists of foods. Some schools even have unhealthy options, but that is a different