School Lunches Research Paper

Words: 449
Pages: 2

The obesity rate in the United States of America is rising rapidly and it needs to stop. It all goes back to where it started, in school. School lunches are entirely unhealthy. If we make school lunches healthier, then the obesity rate would be reduced. If we make school lunches healthier, students will be healthier, will perform better academically and athletically, and will have better moods and attitudes in and out of the classroom.

First, if we make this change, then the students will be healthier and better developed. Students do not get all the nutrients and energy that their body needs to survive. Eating unhealthy lunches everyday causes obesity rates to rise and cause diseases. Studies have shown that twenty percent of teenagers are obese, which increases their risk of health problems. Eating healthier will also give the body the energy it needs to thrive and grow.

Second, if school lunches are healthier, then students will perform better academically and athletically. I can speak personally that eating a healthy lunch has a substantial amount of importance when playing sports or even in the classroom. I play soccer and run track at the high school level and eating healthy is important to get the energy you need to thrive on and off the field. Students need a lot of energy throughout the day
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From my personal experience, I can say that eating a healthy lunch can turn my day around. I feel so much better when eating a good lunch, it makes me feel accomplished and happy with myself. Students would benefit greatly from eating healthier lunches because their attitudes in and out of the classroom would greatly improve and will be more equipped to learn and succeed in school. Healthier school lunches tend to be more expensive than unhealthy lunches. Being healthy and having the nutrients and energy that your body needs is vital to surviving and