Seahorse Research Paper

Words: 426
Pages: 2

Seahorses are found in many habitats that are currently endangered including coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove swamps. Due to coral bleaching and rising carbon dioxide levels, many of these habitats have been destroyed. The coral reef alone has had 20 percent of its habitat worldwide destroyed and this has affected many species within such a complex ecosystem. However, seahorses do not migrate like other species may when their habitat is destroyed, instead, they remain in the same place their whole lives. If a coral reef begins to die, the seahorses will surely follow due to the lack of food and shelter. This also means that populations of seahorses can become smaller and be split apart. Seahorses who usually live in larger settlements with others of their species must rely on themselves and can struggle to find a mate, slowing down the reproductive rate of the whole species. …show more content…
Commensalism and competition are used by common seahorses when there is a large population of the species living in coral reef ecosystems.
Commensalism is used by seahorses regularly in coral reefs. As a form of camouflage, seahorses wrap their tails around corals to hide from predators. This benefits seahorses by providing them with shelter and protection from predators. However, the coral does not benefit.
Competition is used when there are large populations of common seahorses who co-exist in a habitat that does not have enough Phyto-plankton to support them. When this occurs, seahorses are known to fight others who come close to their food source and in some cases, one population can die out due to the lack of