Self-Medication Hypothesis

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as early as possible to prevent the victim from self-medication; helping the victim form and create new coping mechanisms that can prevent the onset of substance abuse.
Childhood Sex Abuse in Adult Addiction
As stated earlier, the relationship between CSA and substance use disorder is the self medication hypothesis. In regards to the self-medication hypothesis, it has been found that CSA is significantly connected with alcohol disorders beginning at a younger age. They stated that their results connect the self-medication of alcoholism to young CSA survivors. This link may deal with the distressing effects of CSA by masking the hurt with alcohol. While CSA by itself does not cause alcohol abuse disorders, CSA combined with other factors,
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TF-CBT averages about 16 sessions that specifically address psychoeducation, affective regulation, and the development of a Trauma Narrative, which decreases anxiety and the recollection of the trauma or to trauma reminders, as well as decreasing avoidance (Cummings, Berkowitz, and Scribano, 2012). Evidence for trauma-focused treatment is continuously being studied and is still expanding. The long term goal is to decrease the treatment length of TF-CBT due to the concern that outside factors are affecting behaviors and parenting practices are of primary concern. This is especially relevant when treating families who are participating in prolonged …show more content…
That being said, the connection has been found but finding the most effective treatment is the biggest obstacle. After MacLennan conducted his study he explains that there is a necessary need for a more controlled time frame for research and evaluations. The effectiveness of different approaches should be studied in more detail. As of now the best known therapy techniques for vcitims of childhood sex abuse are individual and group therapy. These include Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Techniques and specialized groups (mostly for girls) that range from topics of rape, incest, and