Sex Addiction Myth

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Pages: 3

It Is a Myth “But is sex addictive? There are no studies that say so”(Ley 3). Sex addiction first emerged as a controversy in the mid 1970s. The myth of sex addiction happened when members of Alcoholics Anonymous wanted to find treatment for their “unmanageable” sexual behavior. When this was introduced it started a possible lifetime controversy of the new term “sex addiction”. Sex addiction is not a valid mental illness due to the inappropriate use of the word addiction because it undermines sexual health.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a medical profession’s bible when they diagnose mental disorders (Ley 2). Sex addiction is not a disorder that qualifies. “Not two psychotherapist apply the concept in the same way (Ley 2). In the DSM all the mental disorders have been studied and medically proved. Sex addiction is not in the DSM because nobody can really agree on what it is. If sex addiction was a real disorder there would be no question on what it was and what they causes and effects are. The DSM was first introduced in the
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“Treatment outcomes are poor due to the fact that the goal for therapy is abstinence, not sexual health.” (Ley 3). In therapy you are told to stay away from sex and pornography. This only makes the urge for o called sex addicts worse. “Sex therapy for relationship and intimacy concerns is often quite effective and is the preferred avenue for addressing these concerns, as well as education in sexual and erotic exploration.”(Hollander 4). This is an effective way to help keep sexual health in yourself and to not be labeled as a sex addict. People that are labeled as “sex addicts” should be taught how to have a healthy sexual relationship with a partner rather than being told that sex is bad and to stay away from it. As a matter of fact people in healthy sexual relationships have more positive attitudes and lead happier lives.(Kohut