Social Framework Analysis

Words: 1895
Pages: 8

The first framework essay was on the master statuses and how they are made up and used in our daily lives. The second framework essay was written about the privileges one might have in every status or the stigma that would come along with one. This third framework essay focuses on differences and the effect that they have on our lives. The meaning of these differences is highlighted in social institutions like pop culture, school, family, the law, etc. Then ideology comes into play because all of these institutions are the starting block to shape it or our ideology has affected them in some way. The differences that some people face matter because there are multiple obstacles in their way that someone else might not have like low-income, a negatively viewed race, or a disability. It is important to note that ideologies, while they are shared beliefs amongst others, only show you a piece of this complex world because they are based off of one’s own experiences. When discussing ideologies, it is important to understand that they usually take the form of natural law language and stereotypes. Natural law language is inevitable behavior like discrimination …show more content…
The rise in female students started to trend around 1982 and they are currently earning 57% of all bachelor’s degrees. Thomas Mortenson did some research and claims that if this trend continues, the graduates of 2068 will be entirely female. This is not to say that there are less men attending college, in fact the rates of men and women have gone up, but the increase for women has been faster than that of men. Then the author looked at the difference between men and women across all ethnicities and who goes to college. There is a 7% difference between men and women among whites and Hispanics, there is a 6% difference between African Americans, and there is a 10% difference amongst