Essay on shades of humanity

Submitted By nfd40lfr
Words: 536
Pages: 3

Teacher: Ms. Wang
Johnston Heights Secondary: Room 4 RLN
Email: Website: GroupCode: 1q6iaf
Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Mathematics is designed for students who intend to study calculus and related mathematics as part of their post-secondary education. It builds on the topics studied in Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics and provides background knowledge and skills for Grade 12 Pre-Calculus Mathematics. The course comprises, primarily, a high level study of theoretical mathematics with an emphasis on problem solving and mental mathematics. The topics include study of algebra, quadratic functions, reciprocal functions, and trigonometry.

Units Covered:

Quadratic Functions



Analytic Geometry

Probability/Interest Formulae

Sequences and Series


Absences / Lates:
If you are absent or late for class, it is your responsibility to obtain any work or notes that have been missed. This needs to be done ASAP.

If you miss a quiz or a test, see me on the first day that you are back to school to make it up. Students who return without a note will not be permitted to write missed tests, and will receive a zero.

If you are late for class, please stand outside the door and wait for me to let you in the classroom. While outside, please do not disturb or distract any of the students inside the classroom. If the classroom door is closed, KNOCK THE DOOR ONCE ONLY!!! I will come get you when it is convenient for the class

There may also be unpleasant penalties associated with habitual late and absences such as detentions, phone call home, and possibly a referral to the vice-principal’s office. Assignments
All assignments must be completed regularly. Questions on the quizzes are taken from the homework. Homework is collected regularly. Students must show all work and steps when completing assignments. Unless otherwise specified, the answer alone will not be accepted. Homework is regularly posted on the website.

Extra Help If you are having difficulty, please ask for help! You may stop by at my classroom during lunch or after school before 4:30.

-Short quizzes, based on homework, will be given frequently.

-Any test, or quiz missed due to absence or lateness will be scored zero unless an acceptable written reason is provided and you make up the work.