Vol4, Chap26, Ques1: World War I was an outgrowth of trends during the 19th century because of those who believed in the 19th century ideals. Europe was no longer characterized as optimism, progress, and glory because of the war. A poem written by Wilfred Owen talked about the horror and futility of the war. “Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge. Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs and towards our distant rest began to trudge.” (Owen) Also some different trends were the use of different technology and tactics, which brought on more demands for retribution, which eventually affected the peace settlements. “This kind of detachment, which was true also of the wars in central Europe in the 1860’s was wholly impossible during World War I. This was, for one thing, the first war in which the distinction between soldier and civilian broke down, a development that was partly due to the expansion of warfare made possible by technology innovations.” (Craig) Another trend of World War I was that peacemaking was very difficult at the end of the war. “The European democracies during the war has set up obstacles that would embarrass the diplomats in the making of peace; under the necessity of survival the governments of the allied powers had made secret commitments to the satisfaction of national aspirations. The 1915 Treaty of London, concluded in order to bring Italy into the conflict on the side of the Allies, had promised the nation a frontier that would place hundreds of thousands of Austrians and Slavs under Italian rule.”