This is something that seems reasonable in the view of the population, if a little severe. It should be well established, however, that crimes do not go unpunished so as to discourage athletes in the first place from committing them. It could be argued that if society is going to go this far why not go all the way? This is to say why not punish those who have committed small and insignificant crimes. This would discourage athletes even more so from committing crimes as well as represent the idea that committing a crime of any severity is unacceptable. The last question that needs to be addressed is: Do we institute such a rule for athletes and sports of both levels (professional and not)? This would make sense for the smaller crimes to be punished as severely as others because professional athletes are older adults, or they know that they are supposed to be role models for children and should be setting a good example. What about for high school and college students? The author would argue that it makes sense to institute the same rules that professional athletes must abide by. However, with society the way it is, when are children allowed to make