One reason I agree is because it gives you time to start saving money for the college you want to attend. For example, if people started to save money in middle school, they will almost have enough money to pay off their college. Paying off college before the first day is the best because then you don't have to stress out about having to pay for your own books and having to pay off the rest of your payment during college because then that means you have to work while trying to get caught up on homework and other things like that.
It gives the student enough time to think about what they ware going to do after high school and what colleges offer the courses they need to take. For example, if a person was to decide that they were going to become a veteranarian, then they would have to go through the colleges and see which ones offer the courses that they need to take in order …show more content…
For example, if a student decided on a different college or on a different career, then they will have enough time to rethink this and decide on a good college to go. Once they choose that college, and the new career if they want to, they have to decide the classes they are gonna have to take to become their desired career. Many people become stressed out because they change what they want to do which means they have to change classes. They are already wasting money on the classes they don't even need to