The ESPN is a. After realizing this, they dropped the GPA average to 1.5. It was good when more players could be on the field, but students stopped showing the same amount of effort in their grades. By the time they graduated high school, only a few of the students got to go to a college and the other students did not have good grades and a degree and it was hard for them to find a job. So as a student athlete, it doesn't just matter about scoring goals. Being a student athlete is definitely hard. Having to go to practice after school, then coming home to do your homework is possible if you put in long hours and late nights. According to Viking Sports Magazine, “Teachers are usually very accommodating if you miss a test to play in a game, ask a teacher if you can take your test [at a different time] because of your sport, [most] of the time they would say yes”. Student athletes should be taken as privileged and should remind the students that missing a class for a game should be able to be made up and take time from there on to get their work