Should We Celebrate Australia Day

Words: 475
Pages: 2

What are we celebrating on January 26 and what does it mean to be Australian?
Historically, it's regarding celebrating the first Fleet's arrival in 1788 and recognising the original convicts and settlers, and therefore the undeniable fact that our language, political and legal establishments are heritable from the British Isles. No longer. The cultural left tells United States of America that it's all regarding multiculturalism and celebrating diversity and distinction, with some even contesting that Australia Day ought to be renamed Invasion Day. It's currently politically correct to argue that there's no such thing as an Australian as a result of the nation, just like the USA, is a melting pot created from totally different ethnic, religious and national groups all meriting equal treatment and respect.
Wrong. Australia may be a Western, English-speaking nation and like other countries that share a common bond, like the USA and New Zealand, we are a part of the Anglosphere. Anglosphere countries share a typical history, culture, language, a Westminster style of government, and legal ideas like common law, habeas corpus and innocent till proven guilty.
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the very fact that Australia is a Western, liberal democracy explains why numerous scores of migrants have escaped war torn, oppressive regimes and migrated here looking for prosperity and peace. unlike countries in Asia like China, Burma, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam that are controlled by corrupt, self-serving regimes, Australia is a place where freedom is safeguarded, everybody has the right to vote, and no-one is higher than the