Sickle Cell Anemia Research Paper

Words: 473
Pages: 2

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that can only be inherited if both parents have the sickle cell gene. This disorder is caused by a defective hemoglobin gene, which results in a crescent moon shaped cell. Due to their sickle-like shape, they cause pain and organ failure by blocking the flow of oxygenated blood cells in blood vessels throughout the body. Due to the stiffness of these sickle cell shaped red blood cell, it causes oxidative stress in red blood cells. Oxidative stress is what causes degeneration and genes to be mutated. This paper will propose and compare the possible cures for sickle cell anemia, by using different research and studies to explain how effective each treatment are. This paper will discuss which of the three possible treatments provided is most effective in curing sickle cell anemia.

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A total of 16,654 people have died of sickle cell-related deaths since then. This disease is frequently found among people who are genetically related to ancestors that have lived in the western part of the world (Swanson). About 100,000 Americans have been diagnosed with some sort of sickle cell disease in the United States (Sickle). Unlike the other types of sickle cell diseases, sickle cell anemia (SCA), can only be inherited if both parents pass on the sickle cell gene (Sickle). It is a form of anemia which means that there aren’t enough healthy blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body (Sickle). A normal red blood cell could be described as flexible and round, but a sickle cell is moon shaped and sticky (Swanson). Making it easier for this cells to get stuck in small blood vessels, reducing the flow of oxygen to parts of the body ultimately leading to organ failure