Sir Gawain Challenges

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Pages: 3

Hello, my name is Sir Gawain and I understand that you want me to describe a time where I faced a challenge. I have faced many challenges in my life like resisting the temptation of Lady Bertilak and travel through the wilderness and face supernatural creatures, but the one where I would say made my strengths surface was when I accepted Green Knight’s challenge that challenged me and where I faced death right in the face. I got tested for my bravery while facing great danger and risking my life, but in the end I passed my test. However, my weak point was with the temptation of Lady Bertilak. Let me tell you more. Green Knight wanted to test my courage and my honor. He believed I didn’t have any, but I sure did show him when I accepted his challenge. …show more content…
The Green Knight wanted to see if I was a noble and an honorable knight, and well I sure did show him. Now with Lady Bertilak, I was tested for my integrity and my loyalty. Lady Bertilak was a beautiful and alluring woman who drew the attention of many. Myself included in the package. I refused to be blinded by her charm and did not break the code of chivalry and honor. I, however, did accept a green girdle from her token as a thank you to her, which I know now that I fell into her charm and learned quickly about integrity. If I had to give myself an overall grade, I would give myself a B. Now I give myself this grade because I could have done things differently and better. Like everyone, I am human and I make mistakes, but I have grown a lot in the past. I have owned up to my mistakes which allowed me to grow as a great knight. I came to the acknowledgement of my mistakes and the other knights admirerd how open and honest I was, however there were a few knights that questioned me and how I would be after as a knight. I don’t think one mistake should define who you are as an overall person because if we did that then everyone, including you who is reading this right now, would we all be on the same